Thursday, May 9, 2013

chubba chubba doo, chubba chubba chubba doo....

at his last doctor's appointment, he found out that he was three feet tall. he made sure to remember. he also made sure he told people.

"i'm three feet tall!" (holding up three fingers)

when owen started altar serving, xav said to me, "one day, if i grow up, can i altar serve like owen?" "of course, buddy. if you grow up." :)

not sure if i documented this, but it must be recorded that Tito Ryan is officially "Tito Tryan". Xav says so.

chubs is such a thick kid. i don't know where he came from. i love his heft and i love that he still cuddles with me and gives me kisses and hugs me all the time. the best is when you don't expect his hugs, but really really need one. he's my little sour patch kid. he can be so naughty but then so sweet.

he can spell his name. he can spell owen's name. he proved it by writing both on his bedsheets. awesome.