Monday, April 26, 2010

it's official. xavier is crawling.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

babble babble. roll roll.

"MA! mmmmmmMa! mmmamamamama!"

that's what i hear when xavier is in distress. or hungry. somehow he manages to scoot backwards and get himself stuck under the couch...or a chair...or the piano stool...or between the tv and the toy box. or he tires himself out from scooting and trying to crawl. so he cries out, "mmmamama!"

but he'll say "dadadadadada" all day long when he's happy. he really likes being a part of the conversation. he will let you know that he wants to be included and will reward you with a big chubby grin when you give him attention.

he'll be crawling pretty soon. pulling himself up on the furniture does not seem too far off either.

xavier is all about table food now. i think i could stop feeding him baby food at this point because he'll eat almost anything we eat. now the baby food has become the "side" to his meal. i wish my other boys would be as willing to eat their fruits and veggies.

xavier voluntarily gives me kisses now. i love it. i really don't care how slobbery they are because i just love that he likes to pass them out. and his cheeks are so chubby, it's hard to not kiss them in return!