Saturday, January 16, 2010

i weighed xavier on our scale at home the other day. 18 pounds!!! he's not even 6 months old! what am i going to do when he's 20 pounds? he'll be too big for his car seat.

he's eating solids...he's gone through veggies: squash, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower. now he's on fruit: peaches, apples, now bananas...

he's a drooling machine. we're talking 4-5 bibs a day and at least 2 outfits.

i think he wants to crawl. he rolls over onto his belly and kicks his bent legs as if he's going somewhere. kind of looks like he's swimming.

he likes toys now. he'll play with rattles and the hanging toys in his carseat. he loves his exersaucer but always gets frustrated when he's flipping the book back and forth. by far the thing that occupies him the most is his hand. amazing! my hands! he often gets distracted while eating because he'll catch a glimpse of his hand and just start staring at his pudgy little fingers.

there's something about that blue baby comforter. we wrap him up in it at night (don't worry, we make sure he can't pull it over his face) and he's done for 12 hours. he'll squirm for a second, rub his face, stick his thumb in his mouth and then zonk. i love that little guy!