Wednesday, October 5, 2011

x. av. i. er.

my naughty little two year old. he brought in his second year with great flair by being super naughty at sunday Mass. eric had taken him out of the church that day and had reported later that xavier was in rare form. oh, xav. i could blame the teething, but you've been teething for a while. if only those last two teeth on the bottom would grow in! i will say this: my arms are much stronger having had to reign in xavier during daily Mass.

xavier is talking much more now. he likes to say, "what hahppen???" with great concern whenever something sounds like it went wrong. my favorite words that he says:

chocolate ("chock-ate")
turtle (extra emphasis on the "t's")
penguin ("pin-gin")
love you ("yah-you")
tito ryan ("ryan!")

he likes to make himself into a xavier sandwich. some of the best parts of my day are when xavier pulls me and eric in with both of his little arms so that we will kiss both his cheeks at the same time. "hug!" he'll say sometimes. he also sometimes gives kisses that last a little too long and he likes to pinch my cheeks until i make a funny raspberry sound. he likes to count my eyebrows.

actually, that's his new thing. counting. if there is more than one, then it should be counted. the problem is that he can only count to two. so all you hear is, "!" he would rather you count whatever is in the book than read the actual story to you. i do like how much he likes books. and i like to cuddle with him while i read him a book. he is a good baby to cuddle with. he's thinning out, but he still has is chubby cheeks that are good for squishing.

we're trying to teach him his colors. at first, all colors were blue. green is now the new blue. tito ryan has tried to teach him his colors, too. that was super fun and not frustrating at all for tito ryan. ;)

i really really love this little guy. even if he does scream at me from 6 inches away. he can almost always be comforted by his blanket. "bankie!" here's your blanket. "milk!" here's your milk. "bear!" here's your teddy bear. blanket and bear in one hand. milk gets tucked under the other. thumb goes in mouth and this kid is ready to snuggle up on your shoulder or take a nap.